Thursday, May 5, 2011

Goodwill and Trains...

Dudes. I've been rockin' the Goodwill finds lately. But Tuesday? I hit the JACKPOT (at least for this hizzy). This thing has barely left Hendo's hands since I got it for 1.99. Can you see his little finger in the bottom left hand corner? HE WANTED IT BACK.

He has been saying "Choo! Choo!" in his sleep. Let's hope the obsession doesn't end anytime soon. We've got a 24 hour TRAIN RIDE to Illinois in our near future. Here he is at the Austin Children's Museum. We spent an awesome day there with Henry's good friend Ella and her mama, Heather.

Yeah, Henry LOVED IT. It really got my wheels turning... I was pricing train activity tables, but then one of my oldest friends, Lindsey sent me this awesome DIY project:

& So, that's now my MUST MAKE before Hendo's 2nd birthday! Isn't it amazing? It's from the blogger,

How about you? Do you have any new Goodwill finds you're proud of? Any great deals you found? How about DIY projects? What's on your to-do list?



    I am going to build a dining room table. Seriously. That is my 2011 project of the year. Terrified? Yes. But I can do it!

  2. i like the diy one, but we got one off craigslist for thirty bucks!

  3. I got about $50 worth of clothes for Torra for $12. I refabed one. It's a little onsie with a skirt. I added some fabric embellishments to it. I <3 goodwill.

  4. Lindsey, I saw that! it looks AWESOME. I would love to have a table like that! GO FOR IT.

    Hillary, 30 bucks? I'm JEALOUS! I'm going to keep looking, but the cheapest I found was 100 around here! You go, girl!

    Jess, seriously. We need to live in the same town. xoxo
