Sunday, March 27, 2011

put a bird on it.

If you haven't seen this yet, you're welcome:

I bought this yellow t-shirt for 25 cents a few months ago. I knew I wanted to do something with it... maybe embroidery? But, ahem, I haven't done anything but put it in a drawer. So, today was the day. I decided I wanted Henry to be able to WEAR THIS SHIRT TOMORROW.

I've had these awesome bird stencils for forever. Today, I found them in the same drawer as the t-shirt. FATE.

First, I taped that bird down with masking tape.

Next, I spray painted that bird.

Then, I waited an hour. When I removed the bird stencil, I realized you couldn't even tell it was a bird. THAT SIMPLY WOULD NOT DO. So, I took out a trusty scrap-booking archival pen, and I outlined that bird. After washing and drying it... VOILA:

Henry has something to wear tomorrow! And people will actually notice him, because he'll have a bird on him. :)

What about you? Any projects you have sitting in a drawer? Have you put any birds on things?


  1. I have a huge carved wooden bowl from Zimbabwe. I got it in 2003. The guy making the bowls didn't have the style I wanted in a completed form (sanded and varnished) so I bought it figuring I'd do that part myself right when I got home. I bought the sandpaper and salad bowl varnish. And here we are 8 years later...about 4 months ago I even moved the bowl into the dining room from the garage so I'd be FORCED to work on it. Ha! You've motivated me to finish it so I can actually enjoy it!

  2. That's way harder than the video makes it look!!

    I haven't put a bird on anything recently, though a bird put something on me...more specifically on my card :)
