Tuesday, February 1, 2011

new project.

I'm working on a little project, something to have up in the house to remind me that time flies. It's insane to see the progression of Henry's smile, his hair, his attitude. He's a little boy now, toddling around, exploring the world. He used to be curled up inside of me, mine only, knowing only my voice. Now, he's discovering his own voice, carving out his own place in the world.

in the womb.

3 months

I'm getting better at appreciating the new role I will take in this next chapter of his life. I have a ridiculous urge to hold him back, to stop him from growing. That's unhealthy, for the both of us. My little guy is growing up, and it's up to me to help him do that in a free, nurturing and safe environment.

6 months
9 months
1 year

Oh, Hendo. You have no idea what you put this heart of mine through, but I promise I'll get better at letting you get older. It was a losing battle anyhow.


  1. He is so precious! I'm sure as a parent it must be hard to see your child grow up. You're a great mother and Henry is super lucky to have you

  2. Kelly, I'm not going to lie: When I saw "New Project" and then a picture of an ultrasound, I thought you were preggers!

    Then I read your words. Hehe, I laughed out loud.

    I am in a similar predicament with Oren; however, my motivation is different. I don't want him to grow up mostly because I don't want to chase TWO children around! He hasn't officially rolled over on a level surface yet, and I'm okay with that. Once he's mobile, I don't even know what kind of child-chasing-hell will break loose.

    love the pics.

  3. Thanks, homies.

    It's not "in the works" or anything, but I mean... if I was preggers... I'd be excited. :) WHICH IS CRAZY TO ME, because about 3 weeks ago, I would have been scared. Now, I'm secretly hoping it could happen soon.

    Sarah and Rebecca, HOW DO YOU DO IT WITH TWO? You are my heroes.
