Thursday, August 11, 2011


I LOST CONTROL OF HENDRIX'S DIET. Because I've been so nauseous, cooking and preparing food has been the farthest thing from my to-do list. Unfortunately, this means, Hendo has been eating popsicles, Jell-o, Skittles, crackers, and vanilla wafers. We've eaten at fast food joints at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks. At first, these were treats along with mom, but lately, he hasn't been eating his regular food. He wants to get out of his high chair after eating for 2 min!

And what does he request to eat? "Cangy! Fries! Pop-Pops! Cheeps!" I'm not going to translate those, because I am TOO ASHAMED.

I've noticed a change in Hendo's attitude. He's been throwing things, screaming, refusing to cooperate and all around being a real crazy person. Now, granted, we are entering a new phase of development here. So, I guess we'll see if the behavior continues (DEAR GOD, NO). But, I don't think junk food is a real positive mood enhancer.

This malnutrition has also been (I think) the cause of ridiculous night waking. Hendrix was sleeping through the night (for the most part), until I got pregnant. In the last few weeks, he's been waking up and wanting to nurse (more on that in another post) like 5 TIMES A NIGHT! Obviously, this could be due to something else, but I seriously doubt the candy is helping. And obviously, I'm exhausted. So, it's been a bad, bum deal all around.

Yesterday I made myself sit down and make a grocery list/ commitment agreement for myself. It doesn't matter how sick I feel, or how tired I am... Hendrix HAS to eat well. I am responsible for his well being, and popsicles are not a food group. We went grocery shopping today, and I have a ton of lean meat, fresh fruits and veggies for the next week.

Hendrix, I hope you had a good time on the junk food train, because the RIDE IS OVER.


  1. OH, KEL. This made me laugh. Not at you. Just at the situation, at motherhood, etc........ I have soooooo been where you are right now. Nutrition and discipline are similar in this respect, I believe. For a while you're doing great! Then you let it slip out of your grasp to a degree. Then you have to reign it back in, which is always a painful experience. Don't feel too guilty about it, mama. It's just a waxing/waning situation and you do your best to keep on top of it, but it's always going to have a push/pull rhythm to it. You can't avoid it. It's like trying to stop the moon cycle. You can't fight nature, lol! Love you, lady, and good luck getting Henry back on the meat and veggie train. It won't be fun, but stick with it. You can do it. :) xoxoxoxo

  2. Aww hunny! As long you noticed the issues and have already made plans to fix it. It obv takes a good mother to realize what you have in this post. Most mothers dont even care about their children eating right, and it's keeping you up at night. MOTHER OF THE YEAR!!!

  3. Totally laughing at this post. I think lots of moms can relate to this, even if it's not over food specifically.

    So interesting that you talked about seeing a different in H's demeanor. It's amazing to me how much food affects our lives. I mean, it seems obvious - it's our fuel - but I take it for granted.

    Also, I can totally relate to yells for something other than healthy food. For Isaac, it's peanut butter crackers or goldfish. I have to severely limit the amount he's allowed to have, but he asks for it Every. Single. Time. we feed him. :-/

  4. goodness, i thought you were talking about my son there for a minute - especially wanted out of his high chair after 2 minutes and whining for 'cheeeeps' or 'anddddy' [as my son says]
    i have all the same problems (minus the waking up for nursing - but still waking up none the less and needing my cuddles to fall back asleep) and i don't know what to do. my baby is due next month and i feel like i'm going to rip all my hair out by then! :(

  5. Laura, you have no idea how comforting it is to know I'm not alone! I get so down on myself sometimes. I think this has particularly struck a chord, because I can so clearly see how Henry has been affected by it. I love you, too. xoxoxo


    Kristal, I've been doing tons of food research since my "BREAKDOWN." LOL, but it IS our fuel! I'm def keeping a watch on Henry to see if a shift in his diet means a shift in his behavior. Also, Goldfish are a TOTAL LOVE in our house. I found this recipe the other day, and I think I'm going to have to try it :

    Kaley, "ANDDDDYYYYY"= THE DEVIL. We started giving little treats after he went potty, and it was a serious game changer. Dear Lord. You're due next month? How awesome! I'm sending you all the non-ripping hair out vibes I've got!
