Monday, August 8, 2011

dear new life,

On July 4th, I walked out of the bathroom and over to your dad to show him blazingly pink double lines. You were officially on your way. You, a tiny speck of possibility.

You are due March 9th. I know you'll be early. Right now, I'd have to say, I think you're a boy. If you're not, I hope the inclination I have is because you're destined to be a tomboy (if you're a lady). Please know, I don't care who you are as long as you are healthy, healthy, healthy (and you can take that as a promise for the rest of your life).

Your big brother knows you're coming. He's already started lifting up my shirt to give you kisses or to blow raspberries and laugh. He is going to be your best friend. I promise you that. You are so wanted, so loved. Your dad and I hold onto your sleeping brother at night and whisper about YOU. We get all teary eyed, because, till your brother came, we didn't know our hearts could grow so full of love. Already, they're growing even bigger to make more room for you.

My little baby, please know that I am savoring this perfect time we have together. You and I have these long months ahead of us just to ourselves. This will be the only time it's just us. I take time every day to pray with you, to flood you with all the dreams and hopes I have for you. I have so many. When we saw you on the ultrasound at the doctors, your little legs were kicking, and your arms were waving. Already, you are full of life and energy. Perhaps that's why I seem to have so little of both lately. But don't you worry about that. Right now, it's all about you, kid.

I love you; I love you; I love you. Grow; Grow; Grow.


  1. Oh my goodness Kelly Ann!! Congratulations - what exciting news! :)

  2. I am so excited for you guys...I can't wait to meet the new Seaman!

  3. aww shucks, you made me get all teary-eyed! I'm so glad you have a new member coming to the fam!

  4. Thanks, friends! I am so thrilled and excited! Can't wait to chronicle this journey with you!!!

  5. very beautiful post. very exciting times! xoxoxoxo
