Monday, June 7, 2010

the big move.

two days, one hotel, 17 hours of driving and we're here.

this place is just beautiful. heat is different here. the sun envelops your skin in a way that feels welcomed. greg and carol's (my in-law's) property is like something out of a movie. there are giant, open fields and crooked, reaching trees. i can just imagine hendrix exploring, beating a path with a stick. it feels like home already, and that's largely due to the fact that we are so wanted here. greg and carol have been wonderful; they've missed us so much. i'm so glad we're with family.

i've only been "home" with hendrix 4 days now, but already, i see how different staying home will be. on a mama note, i'm able to see hendrix changing in front of my eyes. he's starting to stand up while holding onto things on his own. he's almost crawling. he's sitting up by himself more and more everyday. i am thrilled to be with my little boy. i'm watching him grow and providing a safe and nurturing environment for that to happen.

however, on an independent note, there are little red flags i'm making myself aware of. for example, i get bored easily. today, all i wanted to do was GET OUT! go do something! luckily, hendrix is a go get 'em baby. he want to explore! so, i know that together, we'll make a good team. i'll make sure to keep us busy. another flag was i realized how MUCH TIME I SPEND ON THE INTERNET. i'm going to have to cut back. i'm giving myself some slack here, because i've just been separated from all of my closest friends and family, but stalking them on the internet isn't healthy. :) okay, and the one flag i fear the most... hendrix almost fell off the bed today. THERE! i said it! he almost FELL OFF OF THE BED. i simply turned to throw a dirty diaper into the bag, and he was laughing his way to a concussion. i have to watch him like a hawk, and this is only the beginning. so as of now, i have some "goals," if you will. 1. find interesting, exploratory things to do with hendrix (other than walk around target...) 2. find a healthy limit to internet-ing 3. WATCH HENDRIX LIKE A HAWK. i'll keep you posted on how that all goes.

in the meantime, i'll just be cuddlin' with my boo.


  1. yay that you are settling in so nicely :)

    juniper actually did roll off the bed once. the we made sure to put pillows around her if we changed her there--harder to roll over those. (not impossible, just harder.) i was ready to take her to the emergency room. adam was the wise one and convinced me to just call the doctor and see what he said... and june was fine. a bump, but that's what thick skulls are for, right?

    also, i had the same problem last summer with the internet. stay away from trendy, time-consuming websites like fml and perez. limit yourself to a half-hour TOTAL facebook time.

    if you need some books, let us know. we's gots lotsa books.

    have fun exploring! oh, and here's my latest sunscreen tip: if hendrix is drinking out of a botttle/sippy yet or nibbling on things, sunscreen him then. we've learned that juniper fights it less (especially on the face) when we slather it on her when she's drinking her morning milk sippy and getting changed. this strategy may work more for toddlers than little bebes, but keep it in mind.

    much love from chicago!

  2. i had this open this morning intending to read it at some point, and when i walked into the kitchen simon was pouring over your blog, eating it up. so you have a new reader. say hello.
    i also have trouble with the internets. i'm sure this is a common challenge for sahm's. i think sarah's suggestions are good ones; i'm going to try them myself!
    it looks beautiful out there. i hope we can visit sometime.

  3. Sarah... Great advice! I love and admire you and your lil fam so much! I also love the30 min idea. Xoxo

    Laura... I miss you already. Give my love to your boys! Any news on moving?
