Friday, February 10, 2012

the flu.

Hendrix spent most of Tuesday tossing his breakfast, lunch, dinner etc... He didn't pass urine all day. So, we spent Tuesday night in the ER waiting on doctors while Hendo miraculously kept fluid down (of course, right after we were checked in). Wednesday, Eric stayed home and helped me take care of Hen, who was honestly doing a lot better.

Then, Thursday morning, Hendo puked all over on our way back from the donut shop (he requested sprinkles, okay!? Who am I to say no?). So, we got ourselves down to the doctor's office. While waiting, I started to feel insanely nauseous. I planned to go grocery shopping for all things BRAT diet, but instead, I found myself puking into a blue bag (while holding Hendo) in the parking lot. Thank GOD my MIL was with me, because my whole world was stars, and I had no strength in me at all.

Eric came home from work, after picking up Zofran for Hendo and me, an insane amount of Gatorade and disinfectant wipes. And then, the contractions started... I mean, tough ones. The doctor insisted that I go in (even though they were not consistent). At the hospital, they were registering roughly 4 min apart at varying consistencies. It was so scary sitting in that room worrying that I might go into labor before feeling ready (I really have to get some stuff together if I feel well enough this weekend). They gave me the option of going home to rehydrate or staying there and getting an IV. Uh, no brainer, HOME PLEASE.

Though this has in no way been fun, I'm counting the positives. I have gotten some INSANE amounts of cuddle time in with Hendo. We've pretty much been watching movies and reading books in bed non-stop. This morning, he woke up and started to rub my cheeks and say, "Mama feel better?" Also, one amazing thing about our little trip to labor and delivery is that we got to hear a birth! The nurse left the door open when she discharged us and we very clearly heard a little one's entry into the world complete with mom's scream, the dad's loud, "Oh, boy!!!," and the first cry. It was such a nice reminder of the amazing experience we have ahead of us. Now, to just get to feeling better...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you and the little dude are feeling better! I say keep up the snuggles even if you do start feeling good and keep relaxing - have been thinking about you guys xox Jenna
