March 2014

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March 2015
Coe Baby,
You are three, my love. Three whole years old. Looking through your pictures, each day feels like yesterday.
This year has been huge for you. You potty trained yourself, you stopped nursing, you gave up your binky, you became a big brother, and you sleep by yourself! You are such a strong, self sufficient kid, and I am so humbled by that because most of your "big milestone steps" you have taken on your own gumption!
Coe, you are strong. You rarely get hurt to the point of tears. Most falls or stumbles that would have a kid running for comfort, have you trying again with a determined, pursed look on your perfect face. You do not back down to a challenge, that is for sure. You run fast, scale rock walls, go down the tallest slides, and swing with your eyes wide open. You are fearless and brave.
You are also the sweetest soul in perhaps the entire world. In the mornings, you'll bring me a glass of water, my phone, my glasses and the biggest kiss. If someone gives you a piece of candy or a toy, your first question (before even taking it in your hand) is, "Hey-Hee, too?" You help me with the dishes, find Maggie a toy, give Wrigley kisses. You give of yourself so naturally, and it shocks me sometimes to the point of tears.
You are also the sweetest soul in perhaps the entire world. In the mornings, you'll bring me a glass of water, my phone, my glasses and the biggest kiss. If someone gives you a piece of candy or a toy, your first question (before even taking it in your hand) is, "Hey-Hee, too?" You help me with the dishes, find Maggie a toy, give Wrigley kisses. You give of yourself so naturally, and it shocks me sometimes to the point of tears.
Coe, your sense of order is righteous. The other day in the grocery store, you saw a package of bread on the floor of the aisle, and you made me push the cart over just so you could put it back. I'm trying to keep more order at home, and that has helped you with some terrible two tantrums. You like having things happen around the same times every day. You like things being in their place. The world is a pretty messy place. I'll keep helping you make sense of the mess in a healthy and balanced way. I think you'll be helping me find more order in my life, too. Amazing how that works.
You can command and fill a room, kid. Your smile is infectious. Your laugh is all of the good things in the world, and your hair has made strangers reach out and do the unthinkable-- THEY TOUCH IT. You're effortlessly beautiful.
I could not be more proud to be your mom. There is a lot to navigate in the year of two. Each day, you've been becoming more and more this amazing little man, who knows himself so assuredly that it scares me sometimes. You need less and less of me every day. This year is going to bring so much good for you. I cannot wait to know more of your questions, and thoughts and dreams and likes and dislikes. Coaster, you are my whole heart bursting and breaking into a million pieces. I am so lucky to be your mom. I am so lucky to wake up to your sweet voice in the mornings. I am so lucky to have your hugs and your love. I want a million years of you, my sweet, darling, perfect boy.
You can command and fill a room, kid. Your smile is infectious. Your laugh is all of the good things in the world, and your hair has made strangers reach out and do the unthinkable-- THEY TOUCH IT. You're effortlessly beautiful.
I could not be more proud to be your mom. There is a lot to navigate in the year of two. Each day, you've been becoming more and more this amazing little man, who knows himself so assuredly that it scares me sometimes. You need less and less of me every day. This year is going to bring so much good for you. I cannot wait to know more of your questions, and thoughts and dreams and likes and dislikes. Coaster, you are my whole heart bursting and breaking into a million pieces. I am so lucky to be your mom. I am so lucky to wake up to your sweet voice in the mornings. I am so lucky to have your hugs and your love. I want a million years of you, my sweet, darling, perfect boy.