Monday, June 27, 2011

on slowing down.

Right now, Hendo is down for his afternoon nap. I've just finished taking a blanket in from off the line and putting a casserole in the fridge for dinner tonight. My house is relatively clean and after writing this and picking up a few toys, I'm cracking open a Diet Coke and reading the book I've been renewing for the last two months, "The Guide to Simple Living" (which I've written about before).

My days have been more like this and less like the crazy pace I was used to. I'm slowing down, deliberately. I finished the documentary "No Impact Man" the other day. There is a scene in the middle of the movie, where Colin Beavan talks about how doing away with air conditioning forced his family outside. How, being without a TV forced them off of the couch. Suddenly, they had to be creative with their free time. In this scene, his daughter dunks her head in a park fountain, the joy in her face is undeniable. We're a couch culture, a comfort culture. And, there is definitely a place for vegging out every now and again, but, I would argue, it's not as good for our souls.

I realized how down I was, and so, I've been getting out more. I've been closing this computer screen and sitting on the floor with Henry more. Yesterday, Eric and I started tilling up ground for our fall garden. I've been staying up late by myself so I have time I need to breathe and rest. I've been saying "no" to engagements, not because I don't adore the people in my life, but because otherwise, I'd have a full schedule, and I don't want one. I've been praying a LOT more and forcing myself to challenge those parts of myself I don't like very much.

I've been slowing down, and for me? It's better this way.


  1. thoughtful, Kelly. You sound like you are coming from a centered place.
    Thanks for this-- As Noah and I pack up and get ready to move (no definite location known yet) I'm mindful of similar things. We're going through the accumulated stuff and trying to simplify as we transition. Keep it up, the breathing and the resting and delighting in the given-ness of each day. It encourages me to do the same.

  2. I really admire that you are taking this approach. You will not regret it, I think. Can I ask, is Eric on board with this whole simple living thing? I used to be all about it.... but Nate totally balked at the idea of no tv (or even severe limits). I had to eventually give up on my dream of a SouleMama-esque utopia for our household. We have found a balance that works for us, but sometimes I feel sad that I couldn't attain my vision for our family. (For instance, when you ask my kids what their favorite thing to do is and they say play video games.) *le sigh* Anyway, I had to stop reading SouleMama because I felt too sad/guilty when I read her. It will certainly be easier for you if you are both on board. Nate and I can be so different sometimes.... me so driven by emotion and aesthetics and him so completely pragmatic. So we have to try to meet in the middle. Curious about how it works with you and E.

  3. Kristen, thank you so much for your kind words! It's a process. For so long, I've felt so out of touch. So off kilter. Things are finally starting to take their place, and I'm so thankful for that. I'm praying for you and Noah as you start this next chapter. xoxo

    Laura, we are pretty much on the same page. I don't think we're quite on the SouleMama level (I think we'll always have a TV in our house-- we're movie people), but I think we'll be closer to that, then say, the Simpsons! But, honestly, I think it's just about finding what works for you. Your boys are so awesome. After spending time with you guys, I couldn't stop talking about how well behaved and LOVING they both are. They're so SMART, Laura. You're such an inspiring mama, and I still have no idea how you do all the things you do. Eric's not been reading any books on the subject like me, but he's on board with most things. Funnily enough, when I saw that you commented here, Eric had just put "AUSTIN POWERS GOLDMEMBER" on... LOL.
