Monday, September 14, 2009

we WON the pacing the panic room fuzzibunz cloth diaper giveaway. i don't have words for how awesome this is, nor how much it will help offset the price of doing cloth diapers for hendrix. i was planning on slowly buying cloth (looking to buy used), and now we have almost an entire stash of cloth diapers FOR FREE. how awesome is that?

today, eric and i got iced mochas from starbucks (mine was decaf, haters), walked around bradley park with wrigley and dreamed about adding a stroller to our routine. hendrix is already so much a part of our hearts it's hard to believe we still have to wait a few weeks for his arrival. we went to a GM safety check on saturday and now, hen's lil' carseat is just chillin' in the backseat waiting for him.

i've committed myself to chilling my life out. i started getting a little too crazy impatient, and it honestly wasn't going to be healthy. after all, i have (at least) 3 more weeks till he's here. i keep having these surreal dreams, every one of them filled with light and peace. in each one, i'm nursing hendrix or just holding him to my chest. in them, there is such a strong sense of his spirit that i wake up really believing he's here with us. lately, wrigs has been coming and curling up to my belly in such a recognizably protective way. we're all so ready for him to be here.

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