Monday, May 7, 2012

Basket Boy!

So, I found this on Pinterest, and I HAD TO DO IT. Mostly, because it looked insanely easy. I always have a full basket of clothes! 

Of course, who knew this kid would almost be out of the basket already!? 

                                2 weeks                                                              8 weeks

Things are going beautifully here. Being a mama of two has been a surprisingly simple transition for me. I thought it would be so much tougher, but I've found that being calm and trusting myself gets me pretty far. It gets me through grocery stores and even to the park! :)

Hendo has been doing so much better. Lately, I've turned around to find Henry bending over Roscoe saying, "Hey, yittle brodder! I yove you!" It's pretty much the best.


  1. that's a nice big boy you've got there! i'm so happy to hear that this transition has been smooth for you. that is wonderful. love you much.

  2. Love the laundry baskets! So cute and I can't believe how fast he is growing... eek! So glad the transition is going well. I don't know about you, but going from one to two has been a lot less life-altering than I thought it would be (certainly a lot less than the transition from none to one!). I never expected to feel as confident with Matthew as I do... I guess it's a credit to how well we've done with our first kids (even if we haven't realized it... now there's a self-confidence booster! :-) ) Keep enjoying! :-)
