I LOST CONTROL OF HENDRIX'S DIET. Because I've been so nauseous, cooking and preparing food has been the farthest thing from my to-do list. Unfortunately, this means, Hendo has been eating popsicles, Jell-o, Skittles, crackers, and vanilla wafers. We've eaten at fast food joints at least 4 times in the last 2 weeks. At first, these were treats along with mom, but lately, he hasn't been eating his regular food. He wants to get out of his high chair after eating for 2 min!
And what does he request to eat? "Cangy! Fries! Pop-Pops! Cheeps!" I'm not going to translate those, because I am TOO ASHAMED.
I've noticed a change in Hendo's attitude. He's been throwing things, screaming, refusing to cooperate and all around being a real crazy person. Now, granted, we are entering a new phase of development here. So, I guess we'll see if the behavior continues (DEAR GOD, NO). But, I don't think junk food is a real positive mood enhancer.
This malnutrition has also been (I think) the cause of ridiculous night waking. Hendrix was sleeping through the night (for the most part), until I got pregnant. In the last few weeks, he's been waking up and wanting to nurse (more on that in another post) like 5 TIMES A NIGHT! Obviously, this could be due to something else, but I seriously doubt the candy is helping. And obviously, I'm exhausted. So, it's been a bad, bum deal all around.
Yesterday I made myself sit down and make a grocery list/ commitment agreement for myself. It doesn't matter how sick I feel, or how tired I am... Hendrix HAS to eat well. I am responsible for his well being, and popsicles are not a food group. We went grocery shopping today, and I have a ton of lean meat, fresh fruits and veggies for the next week.
Hendrix, I hope you had a good time on the junk food train, because the RIDE IS OVER.